#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013-2023 by Björn Johansson. All rights reserved.
# This code is part of the Python-dna distribution and governed by its
# license. Please see the LICENSE.txt file that should have been included
# as part of this package.
"""This module contain functions for primer design for various purposes.
- :func:primer_design for designing primers for a sequence or a matching primer for an existing primer. Returns an :class:`Amplicon` object (same as the :mod:`amplify` module returns).
- :func:assembly_fragments Adds tails to primers for a linear assembly through homologous recombination or Gibson assembly.
- :func:circular_assembly_fragments Adds tails to primers for a circular assembly through homologous recombination or Gibson assembly.
from pydna.tm import tm_default as _tm_default
import math as _math
import os as _os
import copy as _copy
from pydna.amplicon import Amplicon as _Amplicon
from pydna.amplify import Anneal as _Anneal
from pydna.amplify import pcr as _pcr
from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord as _Dseqrecord
from pydna.primer import Primer as _Primer
import logging as _logging
import operator as _operator
from typing import Tuple
_module_logger = _logging.getLogger("pydna." + __name__)
def _design_primer(
target_tm: float, template: _Dseqrecord, limit: int, tm_func, starting_length: int = 0
) -> Tuple[float, str]:
"""returns a tuple (temp, primer)"""
if starting_length < limit:
starting_length = limit
length = starting_length
tlen = len(template)
tmp = tm_func(str(template.seq[:length]))
p = str(template.seq[:length])
if tmp < target_tm:
condition = _operator.le
increment = 1
condition = _operator.ge
increment = -1
while condition(tmp, target_tm):
prev_temp = tmp
prev_primer = p
length += increment
p = str(template.seq[:length])
tmp = tm_func(p)
if length >= tlen:
# Never go below the limit
if length < limit:
return template.seq[:limit]
_module_logger.debug(((p, tmp), (prev_primer, prev_temp)))
if abs(target_tm - tmp) < abs(target_tm - prev_temp):
return p
return prev_primer
[docs]def primer_design(
template, fp=None, rp=None, limit=13, target_tm=55.0, tm_func=_tm_default, estimate_function=None, **kwargs
"""This function designs a forward primer and a reverse primer for PCR amplification
of a given template sequence.
The template argument is a Dseqrecord object or equivalent containing the template sequence.
The optional fp and rp arguments can contain an existing primer for the sequence (either the forward or reverse primer).
One or the other primers can be specified, not both (since then there is nothing to design!, use the pydna.amplify.pcr function instead).
The limit argument is the minimum length of the primer. The default value is 13.
If one of the primers is given, the other primer is designed to match in terms of Tm.
If both primers are designed, they will be designed to target_tm
tm_func is a function that takes an ascii string representing an oligonuceotide as argument and returns a float.
Some useful functions can be found in the :mod:`pydna.tm` module, but can be substituted for a custom made function.
estimate_function is a tm_func-like function that is used to get a first guess for the primer design, that is then used as starting
point for the final result. This is useful when the tm_func function is slow to calculate (e.g. it relies on an
external API, such as the NEB primer design API). The estimate_function should be faster than the tm_func function.
The default value is `None`.
To use the default `tm_func` as estimate function to get the NEB Tm faster, you can do:
`primer_design(dseqr, target_tm=55, tm_func=tm_neb, estimate_function=tm_default)`.
The function returns a pydna.amplicon.Amplicon class instance. This object has
the object.forward_primer and object.reverse_primer properties which contain the designed primers.
template : pydna.dseqrecord.Dseqrecord
a Dseqrecord object. The only required argument.
fp, rp : pydna.primer.Primer, optional
optional pydna.primer.Primer objects containing one primer each.
target_tm : float, optional
target tm for the primers, set to 55°C by default.
tm_func : function
Function used for tm calculation. This function takes an ascii string
representing an oligonuceotide as argument and returns a float.
Some useful functions can be found in the :mod:`pydna.tm` module, but can be
substituted for a custom made function.
result : Amplicon
>>> from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord
>>> t=Dseqrecord("atgactgctaacccttccttggtgttgaacaagatcgacgacatttcgttcgaaacttacgatg")
>>> t
>>> from pydna.design import primer_design
>>> ampl = primer_design(t)
>>> ampl
>>> ampl.forward_primer
f64 17-mer:5'-atgactgctaacccttc-3'
>>> ampl.reverse_primer
r64 18-mer:5'-catcgtaagtttcgaacg-3'
>>> print(ampl.figure())
>>> pf = "GGATCC" + ampl.forward_primer
>>> pr = "GGATCC" + ampl.reverse_primer
>>> pf
f64 23-mer:5'-GGATCCatgactgct..ttc-3'
>>> pr
r64 24-mer:5'-GGATCCcatcgtaag..acg-3'
>>> from pydna.amplify import pcr
>>> pcr_prod = pcr(pf, pr, t)
>>> print(pcr_prod.figure())
>>> print(pcr_prod.seq)
>>> from pydna.primer import Primer
>>> pf = Primer("atgactgctaacccttccttggtgttg", id="myprimer")
>>> ampl = primer_design(t, fp = pf)
>>> ampl.forward_primer
myprimer 27-mer:5'-atgactgctaaccct..ttg-3'
>>> ampl.reverse_primer
r64 32-mer:5'-catcgtaagtttcga..atc-3'
def design(target_tm, template):
if estimate_function:
first_guess = _design_primer(target_tm, template, limit, estimate_function)
return _design_primer(target_tm, template, limit, tm_func, len(first_guess))
return _design_primer(target_tm, template, limit, tm_func)
if not fp and not rp:
_module_logger.debug("no primer given, design forward primer:")
fp = _Primer((design(target_tm, template)))
target_tm = tm_func(str(fp.seq))
_module_logger.debug("no primer given, design reverse primer:")
rp = _Primer(design(target_tm, template.reverse_complement()))
elif fp and not rp:
fp = _Anneal((fp,), template).forward_primers.pop()
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Forward primer does not anneal")
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
print("Unexpected error")
target_tm = tm_func(fp.footprint)
_module_logger.debug("forward primer given, design reverse primer:")
rp = _Primer(design(target_tm, template.reverse_complement()))
elif not fp and rp:
rp = _Anneal((rp,), template).reverse_primers.pop()
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Reverse primer does not anneal")
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
print("Unexpected error")
target_tm = tm_func(rp.footprint)
_module_logger.debug("reverse primer given, design forward primer:")
fp = _Primer(design(target_tm, template))
raise ValueError("Specify maximum one of the two primers.")
if fp.id == "id": # <unknown id>
fp.id = "f{}".format(len(template))
if rp.id == "id":
rp.id = "r{}".format(len(template))
if fp.name == "name":
fp.name = "f{}".format(len(template))
if rp.name == "name":
rp.name = "r{}".format(len(template))
fp.description = fp.id + " " + template.accession
rp.description = rp.id + " " + template.accession
ampl = _Anneal((fp, rp), template, limit=limit)
prod = ampl.products[0] if ampl.products else _Amplicon("")
if len(ampl.products) > 1:
import warnings as _warnings
from pydna import _PydnaWarning
_warnings.warn("designed primers do not yield a unique PCR product", _PydnaWarning)
return prod
[docs]def assembly_fragments(f, overlap=35, maxlink=40):
"""This function return a list of :mod:`pydna.amplicon.Amplicon` objects where
primers have been modified with tails so that the fragments can be fused in
the order they appear in the list by for example Gibson assembly or homologous
Given that we have two linear :mod:`pydna.amplicon.Amplicon` objects a and b
we can modify the reverse primer of a and forward primer of b with tails to allow
fusion by fusion PCR, Gibson assembly or in-vivo homologous recombination.
The basic requirements for the primers for the three techniques are the same.
_________ a _________
/ \\
__________ b ________
/ \\
\\___________________ c ______________________/
Design tailed primers incorporating a part of the next or previous fragment to be assembled.
PCR products with flanking sequences are formed in the PCR process.
/ \\
The fragments can be fused by any of the techniques mentioned earlier to form c:
The first argument of this function is a list of sequence objects containing
Amplicons and other similar objects.
**At least every second sequence object needs to be an Amplicon**
This rule exists because if a sequence object is that is not a PCR product
is to be fused with another fragment, that other fragment needs to be an Amplicon
so that the primer of the other object can be modified to include the whole stretch
of sequence homology needed for the fusion. See the example below where a is a
non-amplicon (a linear plasmid vector for instance)
_________ a _________ __________ b ________
/ \\ / \\
agcctatcatcttggtctctgca <--> TTTATATCGCATGACTCTTCTTT
||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||
tcggatagtagaaccagagacgt <AGAAA
\\___________________ c ______________________/
In this case only the forward primer of b is fitted with a tail with a part a:
PCR products with flanking sequences are formed in the PCR process.
/ \\
The fragments can be fused by for example Gibson assembly:
to form c:
The first argument of this function is a list of sequence objects containing
Amplicons and other similar objects.
The overlap argument controls how many base pairs of overlap required between
adjacent sequence fragments. In the junction between Amplicons, tails with the
length of about half of this value is added to the two primers
closest to the junction.
> <
> <
> <-
-> <
In the case of an Amplicon adjacent to a Dseqrecord object, the tail will
be twice as long (1*overlap) since the
recombining sequence is present entirely on this primer:
> <
--> <
Note that if the sequence of DNA fragments starts or stops with an Amplicon,
the very first and very last prinmer will not be modified i.e. assembles are
always assumed to be linear. There are simple tricks around that for circular
assemblies depicted in the last two examples below.
The maxlink arguments controls the cut off length for sequences that will be
synhtesized by adding them to primers for the adjacent fragment(s). The
argument list may contain short spacers (such as spacers between fusion proteins).
Example 1: Linear assembly of PCR products (pydna.amplicon.Amplicon class objects) ------
> < > <
Amplicon1 Amplicon3
Amplicon2 Amplicon4
> < > <
> <- -> <- pydna.assembly.Assembly
Amplicon1 Amplicon3
Amplicon2 Amplicon4 ➤ Amplicon1Amplicon2Amplicon3Amplicon4
-> <- -> <
Example 2: Linear assembly of alternating Amplicons and other fragments
> < > <
Amplicon1 Amplicon2
Dseqrecd1 Dseqrecd2
> <-- --> <-- pydna.assembly.Assembly
Amplicon1 Amplicon2
Dseqrecd1 Dseqrecd2 ➤ Amplicon1Dseqrecd1Amplicon2Dseqrecd2
Example 3: Linear assembly of alternating Amplicons and other fragments
Dseqrecd1 Dseqrecd2
Amplicon1 Amplicon2
> < --> <
Dseqrecd1 Dseqrecd2
Amplicon1 Amplicon2 ➤ Dseqrecd1Amplicon1Dseqrecd2Amplicon2
--> <-- --> <
Example 4: Circular assembly of alternating Amplicons and other fragments
-> <==
Dseqrecd1 Amplicon2
Amplicon1 Dseqrecd1
--> <-
-> <==
Dseqrecd1 Amplicon2 -Dseqrecd1Amplicon1Amplicon2-
Amplicon1 ➤ | |
--> <- -----------------------------
------ Example 5: Circular assembly of Amplicons
> < > <
Amplicon1 Amplicon3
Amplicon2 Amplicon1
> < > <
> <= -> <-
Amplicon1 Amplicon3
Amplicon2 Amplicon1
-> <- +> <
make new Amplicon using the Amplicon1.template and
the last fwd primer and the first rev primer.
+> <= -> <-
Amplicon1 Amplicon3 -Amplicon1Amplicon2Amplicon3-
Amplicon2 ➤ | |
-> <- -----------------------------
f : list of :mod:`pydna.amplicon.Amplicon` and other Dseqrecord like objects
list Amplicon and Dseqrecord object for which fusion primers should be constructed.
overlap : int, optional
Length of required overlap between fragments.
maxlink : int, optional
Maximum length of spacer sequences that may be present in f. These will be included in tails for designed primers.
seqs : list of :mod:`pydna.amplicon.Amplicon` and other Dseqrecord like objects :mod:`pydna.amplicon.Amplicon` objects
Amplicon2, ...]
>>> from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord
>>> from pydna.design import primer_design
>>> a=primer_design(Dseqrecord("atgactgctaacccttccttggtgttgaacaagatcgacgacatttcgttcgaaacttacgatg"))
>>> b=primer_design(Dseqrecord("ccaaacccaccaggtaccttatgtaagtacttcaagtcgccagaagacttcttggtcaagttgcc"))
>>> c=primer_design(Dseqrecord("tgtactggtgctgaaccttgtatcaagttgggtgttgacgccattgccccaggtggtcgtttcgtt"))
>>> from pydna.design import assembly_fragments
>>> # We would like a circular recombination, so the first sequence has to be repeated
>>> fa1,fb,fc,fa2 = assembly_fragments([a,b,c,a])
>>> # Since all fragments are Amplicons, we need to extract the rp of the 1st and fp of the last fragments.
>>> from pydna.amplify import pcr
>>> fa = pcr(fa2.forward_primer, fa1.reverse_primer, a)
>>> [fa,fb,fc]
[Amplicon(100), Amplicon(101), Amplicon(102)]
>>> fa.name, fb.name, fc.name = "fa fb fc".split()
>>> from pydna.assembly import Assembly
>>> assemblyobj = Assembly([fa,fb,fc])
>>> assemblyobj
fragments....: 100bp 101bp 102bp
limit(bp)....: 25
G.nodes......: 6
algorithm....: common_sub_strings
>>> assemblyobj.assemble_linear()
[Contig(-231), Contig(-166), Contig(-36)]
>>> assemblyobj.assemble_circular()[0].seguid()
>>> (a+b+c).looped().seguid()
>>> print(assemblyobj.assemble_circular()[0].figure())
| \\/
| /\\
| 36|fb|36
| \\/
| /\\
| 36|fc|36
| \\/
| /\\
| 36-
| |
# sanity check for arguments
nf = [item for item in f if len(item) > maxlink]
if not all(hasattr(i[0], "template") or hasattr(i[1], "template") for i in zip(nf, nf[1:])):
raise ValueError("Every second fragment larger than maxlink has to be an Amplicon object")
_module_logger.debug("### assembly fragments ###")
_module_logger.debug("overlap = %s", overlap)
_module_logger.debug("max_link = %s", maxlink)
f = [_copy.copy(f) for f in f]
first_fragment_length = len(f[0])
last_fragment_length = len(f[-1])
if first_fragment_length <= maxlink:
# first fragment should be removed and added to second fragment (new first fragment) forward primer
f[1].forward_primer = f[0].seq._data.decode("ASCII") + f[1].forward_primer
_module_logger.debug("first fragment removed since len(f[0]) = %s", first_fragment_length)
f = f[1:]
_module_logger.debug("first fragment stays since len(f[0]) = %s", first_fragment_length)
if last_fragment_length <= maxlink:
f[-2].reverse_primer = f[-1].seq.reverse_complement()._data.decode("ASCII") + f[-2].reverse_primer
f = f[:-1]
_module_logger.debug("last fragment removed since len(f[%s]) = %s", len(f), last_fragment_length)
_module_logger.debug("last fragment stays since len(f[%s]) = %s", len(f), last_fragment_length)
empty = _Dseqrecord("")
_module_logger.debug("loop through fragments in groups of three:")
tail_length = _math.ceil(overlap / 2)
for i in range(len(f) - 1):
first = f[i]
secnd = f[i + 1]
secnd_len = len(secnd)
_module_logger.debug("first = %s", str(first.seq))
_module_logger.debug("secnd = %s", str(secnd.seq))
if secnd_len <= maxlink:
_module_logger.debug("secnd is smaller or equal to maxlink; should be added to primer(s)")
third = f[i + 2]
_module_logger.debug("third = %s", str(third.seq))
if hasattr(f[i], "template") and hasattr(third, "template"):
"secnd is is flanked by amplicons, so half of secnd should be added each flanking primers"
first.reverse_primer = (
secnd.seq.reverse_complement()._data.decode("ASCII")[secnd_len // 2 :] + first.reverse_primer
third.forward_primer = secnd.seq._data.decode("ASCII")[secnd_len // 2 :] + third.forward_primer
lnk = (
+ secnd.reverse_complement().seq._data.decode("ASCII")[: secnd_len // 2]
_module_logger.debug("1 %s", lnk)
first.reverse_primer = lnk + first.reverse_primer
lnk = (first.seq._data.decode("ASCII") + secnd.seq._data.decode("ASCII")[: secnd_len // 2])[
_module_logger.debug("2 %s", lnk)
third.forward_primer = lnk + third.forward_primer
elif hasattr(first, "template"):
first.reverse_primer = secnd.seq.reverse_complement()._data.decode("ASCII") + first.reverse_primer
lnk = str(third.seq[:overlap].reverse_complement())
first.reverse_primer = lnk + first.reverse_primer
elif hasattr(third, "template"):
third.forward_primer = secnd.seq._data.decode("ASCII") + third.forward_primer
lnk = str(first.seq[-overlap:])
third.forward_primer = lnk + third.forward_primer
secnd = empty
f[i + 2] = third
else: # secnd is larger than maxlink
if hasattr(first, "template") and hasattr(secnd, "template"):
lnk = str(first.seq[-tail_length:])
# _module_logger.debug("4 %s", lnk)
secnd.forward_primer = lnk + secnd.forward_primer
lnk = str(secnd.seq[:tail_length].reverse_complement())
# _module_logger.debug("5 %s", lnk)
first.reverse_primer = lnk + first.reverse_primer
elif hasattr(first, "template"):
lnk = str(secnd.seq[:overlap].reverse_complement())
# _module_logger.debug("6 %s", lnk)
first.reverse_primer = lnk + first.reverse_primer
elif hasattr(secnd, "template"):
lnk = str(first.seq[-overlap:])
# _module_logger.debug("7 %s", lnk)
secnd.forward_primer = lnk + secnd.forward_primer
f[i] = first
f[i + 1] = secnd
_module_logger.debug("loop ended")
f = [item for item in f if len(item)]
return [
limit=min((p.forward_primer._fp, p.reverse_primer._fp)),
if hasattr(p, "template")
else p
for p in f
[docs]def circular_assembly_fragments(f, overlap=35, maxlink=40):
fragments = assembly_fragments(f + f[0:1], overlap=overlap, maxlink=maxlink)
if hasattr(fragments[0], "template"):
fragments[0] = _pcr((fragments[-1].forward_primer, fragments[0].reverse_primer), fragments[0].template)
return fragments[:-1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
cached = _os.getenv("pydna_cached_funcs", "")
_os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = ""
import doctest
doctest.testmod(verbose=True, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)
_os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = cached